Whisky Odyssey has moved to Long Pour Amour
Hi there! You might have found this page via the search engine. Maybe a social media page. Perhaps because we are mentioned in the Malt Whisky Yearbook 2025 (picture). Whatever the reason ... I have to tell you we evolved into something new. Whisky Odyssey has been renamed to Long Pour Amour, and that is also the new address for this whisky blog. We hope to meet you there for more of the same, in a new outing. Join us for the ride on www.longpouramour.com
This page will be up and running until blogs are transferred to the new site. This will be at the latest until February 2025.
WHISKY STORIES - Paris & The Golden Promise Whisky Bar
It has become a tradition to go to Paris for Mrs. Whisky Odyssey's birthday so this year wasn't any different. We had a lovely weekend but of course I went to look for some whisky. And I couldn't leave without a tasting note of a Littlemill Whisky. Mais oui, Paris!
Click the button below or the picture to go to the blog!
Who is behind the Whisky Odyssey Blog?
My name is Tom and if that name sounds unfamiliar to you, which I am sure it does, allow me to introduce myself.
I am over 40 years old, happily married and father of a beautiful daughter. I live in the Netherlands between the big rivers of the country, and I was educated as a classical journalist, before the internet age took over.
Since then I wandered a bit, ending up in the construction business writing tenders... Want to know my Whisky History?
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